Instructions Manual

Error messages
Error message Causes Countermeasures
Measurement could not be performed. Please try
again. If the problem occurs again, please contact
customer service.
Hardware auto- check error. Measurement could not be performed. Please
try again. If the problem occurs again, please
contact customer service.
Connection error. Quit the application and
reconnect your blood pressure monitor.
Communication error between the
Blood Pressure Monitor and the
collateral device.
1. Push the blood pressure monitor button
for 3 seconds to turn it off. Quit the appli-
cation and push the blood pressure monitor
button to turn it on.
2. If the problem occurs again, please contact
customer service.
Please wait until the cuff is totally deflated before
starting a new measurement. Stay still during
- Cuff is not deflated before measurement.
- Noise interference.
- Excessive user movements.
1. Please wait until the cuff is totally deflated
before starting a new measurement. Stay still
during measurement.
2. If the problem occurs again, please contact
customer service.