oCamS-1MGN-U_User Manual_Getting Started(E)

oCamS-1MGN-U Getting Started
www.withrobot.com Page 16
How to Use ROS Packages
Use the following command to start the calibration:
$ roslaunch ocams calibration.launch
Further details can be found at the following site to use the ROS camera_calibration package:
SLAM Package
Use the following command to start the SLAM:
$ roslaunch ocams RTAB-Map_slam.launch
Further details can be found at the following site to use the ROS RTAB-MAP package:
Camera Control
Use the following command to start the camera control of the oCamS-1MGN-U:
$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure
Further details can be found at the following site to use the ROS rqt_reconfigure package: