User's Manual

WizFi 210 User Manual (WIZnet Co., Ltd.)
as needed. However, the Adapter does not accept any new TCP/UDP client/server or data
connection requests.
The ATO command (terminated by the ASCII character “O”, not the number 0) is used to
return to data mode.
Applying theAT+XEHT=1 command (Enable Hardware Trigger), you can change between
data mode and command mode using GPIO 10, without escape sequence (“+++”).
Using D2(GPIO 31), D4(GPIO 28) of WizFi220, you can see if the WizFi220 is associated to
the AP and if serial-to-wifi network channel is normal.
And applying theAT+XDUM=1 command (Disable UART Message), all UART messages are
blocked in data mode. In this situation, you have to check the signal of GPIO 28 and GPIO
31 to know disassociation or network connection closed.
In data mode, the Nagle Algorithm Wait Time can be used to buffer any characters to be
sent, in order to avoid sending a large number of packets with small payloads onto the
network. The wait time is specified in units of 10 milliseconds. This functionality is available
for both UDP and TCP connections.
(4) Response Codes
The possible responses sent by the Adapter to the serial host are described below.
The Response Codes can be distinguished into codes resulting from the AT Command or
not. There are Carriage Return(\r, 0x0d) and Line Feed(\n, 0x0a) above and below ASCII
STRING. If you send “at” string and Line Feed to the WizFi220,
at + Line Feed (0x61 0x74 0x0d)
You can see the following data.
at + Line Feed (0x61 0x74 0x0d) + \r\n[OK]\r\n (0x0d 0x0a 0x5b 0x4f 0x4b 0x5d 0x0d 0x0a)
Response ASCII STRING Meaning
1 0 S2W_SUCCESS [OK] Command Request Success.
2 1 S2W_FAILURE [ERROR] Command Request Failed.
Invalid Command or Option or
4 3 S2W_SOCK_FAIL [ERROR: SOCKET FAILURE] Socket Operation Failed.
All allowed CID’s in use, so there
was no CID to assign to the new