User's Manual

WizFi320 User Manual
© Copyright 2021 WIZnet Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 16
5.2 Wi-Fi AT Commands
AT+CWMODE: Set the Wi-Fi mode (Station/SoftAP/Station+SoftAP).
AT+CWSTATE: Query the Wi-Fi state and Wi-Fi information.
AT+CWJAP: Connect to an AP.
AT+CWRECONNCFG: Query/Set the Wi-Fi reconnecting configuration.
AT+CWLAPOPT: Set the configuration for the command AT+CWLAP.
AT+CWLAP: List available APs.
AT+CWQAP: Disconnect from an AP.
AT+CWSAP: Query/Set the configuration of an ESP SoftAP.
AT+CWLIF: Obtain IP address of the station that connects to an ESP
AT+CWQIF: Disconnect stations from an ESP SoftAP.
AT+CWDHCP: Enable/disable DHCP.
AT+CWDHCPS: Query/Set the IP addresses allocated by an ESP SoftAP
DHCP server.
AT+CWAUTOCONN: Connect to an AP automatically when powered on.
AT+CWAPPROTO: Query/Set the 802.11 b/g/n protocol standard of
SoftAP mode.
AT+CWSTAPROTO: Query/Set the 802.11 b/g/n protocol standard of
station mode.
AT+CIPSTAMAC: Query/Set the MAC address of an ESP station.
AT+CIPAPMAC: Query/Set the MAC address of an ESP SoftAP.
AT+CIPSTA: Query/Set the IP address of an ESP station.
AT+CIPAP: Query/Set the IP address of an ESP SoftAP.
AT+CWSTARTSMART: Start SmartConfig.
AT+CWSTOPSMART: Stop SmartConfig.
AT+WPS: Enable the WPS function.
AT+MDNS: Configure the mDNS function.
[ESP32 Only] AT+CWJEAP: Connect to a WPA2 Enterprise AP.
AT+CWHOSTNAME: Query/Set the host name of an ESP station.
AT+CWCOUNTRY: Query/Set the Wi-Fi Country Code.
AT+CWMODE: Query/Set the Wi-Fi Mode
Query Command