User's Manual

Repeater Operation
3-2.2 WJ Repeater Control Application
The repeater is controlled via either a standard RS-232 interface or via modem interface using a
POTS line with the, Windows 95/NT based, Watkins-Johnson Company Repeater Control
application. Figure 3-1 shows the control panel of the application.
At the top of the panel is a menu bar with two menu items, File and Help. The File menu item
provides a means of changing interfaces, connecting or disconnecting from a modem, closing the
application, and also has a maintenance feature used by the factory. The Help menu item contains a
copyright notice and software version information.
Figure 3-1. Repeater Control Panel
3-2.2.1 Starting Control Software
With the left mouse button, double-click the phone icon labeled “WJ Repeater Control.” The
application will launch and request which interface to use for communicating with the repeater.
Select the either one of two Com ports, or the modem, and press the OK button. Pressing Cancel will
quit the application. The repeater must be equipped with the modem option in order to use the
modem interface.
When the application is running and using the serial interface, it is able to detect the presence of a
repeater on the selected serial Com port. When a repeater is detected, the application reads its