Quick Start Guide

3.5.1 Port Forwarding
Port Forwarding can be used to open certain ports of a device to communicate with an
Internet service. To turn on Port Forwarding, slide the Port Forwarding switch on the bottom
right of the General Information page to the right. The switch turns blue to indicate that the
function is turned on. To turn off this function, slide the switch to the left. To access this
page, click Port Forwarding on the General Information page.
From the Port Forwarding page, enter the appropriate forwarding options listed on the page,
then click Add to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard any changes you made. Click
Close to close this page. The options include:
Add Rules
17. Rule Name
Type the name of the service for which the port forwarding rule has been created in the Rule
Name text field.
18. From Port
Type the value of the WAN port from which you want to forward packets. Please note that
only a single port (for instance, 3000) or range (for instance, 3000–3005) can be specified. 0
would mean any port.
19. Protocol