Quick Start Guide

This shows the value of the start port.
24. Protocol
This shows the protocol selected for the corresponding port forwarding rule.
25. IP Address
This shows the local server’s IP address.
26. Port To
This shows the value of the end port.
27. Enabled
The icon indicates that the corresponding port forwarding rule has been enabled.
28. Remove
Click on the x icon to delete a port forwarding rule.
3.5.2 DMZ
DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) allows you to specify a DMZ host IP to redirect requests to a
virtual DMZ host in order to enhance the security of the local area network. To enable DMZ,
slide the DMZ enable switch to the right. If this function is enabled, threats from external
networks will be directed to the DMZ instead of the network. The DMZ IP address field
indicates the IP address of the host DMZ. To designate a device as a DMZ host, enter its IP
address in the DMZ IP Address field. Click Save to apply the changes, or click Cancel to
undo your configuration.