User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 5 M enu L ist
Arbi tr ary Pha se M eas ur ement M enu
second returns the setting to the center, providing equal signal
levels to all selected output channels.
Output Assign: Rotating this knob moves a highlight between
possible output channel numbers and between channels and pairs.
Pressing the knob adds or removes the highlighted channel from
each channel's output mix.
Arbitrary Phase Measurement Menu
In addition to the normal pair-wise phase indication between adjacent
pairs, the left or right meter screens can also indicate the phase
relationship between any two channels being displayed. You can
configure up to eight arbitrary phase comparisons in the
Phase Measurement Menu
. The system selects colors and symbols
Im por ta nt :
A Dolby bitstream should be treated with special care. No attempt
should be made to adjust the
Channel Trim
Likewise, it should not be mixed with any other signal. But it can be
routed to any channel pair.
By default, no arbitrary phase comparisons are set up in an
AMP2-16V Series monitor.
Arbitrary Phase
Measurement Menu
Configuration Selection
Main Screen
Configure Main
Screen Main Screen
Configuration Menu
Arbitrary Phase