User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 0 14 Wohler Te c h no l o g i e s, Inc. All rights re se r ved..
Chap ter 5 Menu List
Audio Pr ocess or C ard M enu
Analog I/O and TOSLINK Input: Pressing a knob with this
description displays the
Analog Output Configuration Menu
. In
this menu signals can be mixed to output through the analog
AES Output: Pressing a knob with this description displays the
AES Output Configuration Menu
. In this menu, signals can be
mixed for output through the AES outputs.
AES Input: Pressing a knob with this description displays the
Input Configuration Menu
. In this menu, you can set or remove
AES terminations.
AES/SDI Outputs: This knob adjusts whether Dolby encoded
bitstreams are passed to any AES or SDI outputs or whether they
are blocked. By default, they are blocked. This setting applies to
each AES Output or SDI card.
Dolby: Pressing this knob displays the Dolby Decoder
Configuration Menu on page 103 where you can configure the
Dolby D/E/DD+ Card (if installed) and display live Dolby
metadata. In this screen, the source of the Dolby metadata can be
set, along with other parameters. If the AMP2-16V is not equipped
with the Dolby D/E/DD+ card, then this label will not display.
Im por ta nt :
A Dolby bitstream should be treated with special care. No attempt
should be made to adjust the
Channel Trim
Likewise, it should not be mixed with any other signal.