User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 0 14 Wohler Te c h no l o g i e s, Inc. All rights re se r ved..
Chap ter 5 Menu List
Dolb y Decod er Co nf igura ti on Menu
unless this menu item is set to either
Dolby D Only
Dolby E
For some applications, only one form of Dolby should be decoded
and all others should be muted. If the same type of Dolby bitstream
is always expected, then select that type. However, if any of the
other formats can be expected to appear at various times and must
be decoded, then select
All Formats
Aux Pair: Either rotating or pressing this knob determines how the
auxiliary Dolby pair will be treated. The available options include:
LoRo Downmix
, or
LtRt Downmix
The fifth (AUX) channel pair of the Dolby decoder can be tasked
with outputting one of several downmixes:
LoRo Downmix: This a downmix of the selected surround
program that forms a stereo signal in which the surround
channels are combined. The resulting signal can be used to
play a representation of the surround sound signal in stereo
headphones or stereo speakers. You can also downmix this
signal again to mono.
LtRt Downmix: This is a downmix of the selected surround
program that sums the surround channels and adds them
with a +90° phase shift to the left channel and a -90° phase
shift to the right channel. A Dolby Surround Pro Logic
decoder can then be used on this signal to reconstruct the
surround channel. However, while the result of this downmix
can be used, it will not produce a mono mix of the surround
program because the phase-shifted channels will cancel.
Mono Downmix: The selected surround program is
downmixed to mono.
Mute: The AUX output is muted.
The AUX output of the Dolby D/E/DD+ card is available for
monitoring in the
Monitor Mixer Configuration Menu
, along
with the other four output channels.
DRC Mode: Either rotating or pressing this knob selects the
(Dynamic Range Compression)
. The available options
, or
None: This selection removes the compression for the main
decoded channel outputs, but provides a line compression
profile for the AUX output. This provides the least amount of
compression, which allows audible monitoring in as close a