User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 6 I nput/ Ou tput Modules and Options
Distin ctions Am ong M odels
Distinctions Among Models
Optional I/O Modules
You can further customize the AMP2-16V by inserting additional I/O
modules (a total of five) to the back plane.
Figure 6–1 Optional I/O Modules
Note that you can add any of the I/O modules (listed in Table 6–1) or
multiples of I/O modules, in any order.
Table 6–1 Available Add-On I/O Modules
I/O Module Name Functionality Provided
Two 3G/HD/SD-SDI inputs
8 de-embedded AES pairs outputs
1 selected reclocked output
(Includes automatic frame rate detection)
AES Input Card 16 channel (eight AES pairs)
AES Output Card
16 channel (eight AES pairs) consisting of
a mix of any channels
Analog I/O Card 8 channel
Analog I/O and SPDIF
8 channel and 1 optical pair
Dolby Card D/E/DD+
a The Dolby D/E/DD+ Card is a daughter card and does not occupy one of the
vacant slots since it does not require its own external connectors.
Provides Dolby decoding for an AES pair
or de-embedded SDI of your choice