User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 6 I nput/ Ou tput Modules and Options
Addi ng a R e du nd ant P ower Su pp ly
3. Slide the power supply into the slot from the rear panel, making
sure that the power supply’s connector seats securely into the
connector inside the monitor.
4. Screw in the two captive screws that hold the power supply in
5. Attach the DC power cord to the power supply connector (4-pin
XLR-M) and plug it into an outlet protected by a different breaker.
Figure 6–9 DC 4-Pin Power Connector
Im por ta nt :
Do not short the DC wire or plug connecting the AMP2-16V monitor.
Wohler does not supply the mating connector for this
Table 6–6 DC Power Specifications
Specification Value
Voltage Input Range 20VDC to 30VDC
Input Current Typical <2A; Max 5A
The AMP2-16V monitor will not operate if the DC power is
applied with reverse polarity, but doing so will not harm the