User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 3 T he H ow Do I .. . Chap te r
Frequently Aske d Q ue stions
1. Turn the
Save Current Config
control to select the number (1 to
32) of the preset you would like to save the current configuration
into. Then press the control.
2. The preset naming screen will automatically appear to allow you
to name the preset. Enter a name that is descriptive and that you
will recognize later. If you have named this preset before and want
to keep the same name, simply press
3. Whenever you make menu changes and then exit to the
without saving into a preset, a yellow warning flag will
appear in the header of the main screen to remind you to save the
changes you make.
How Do I Quickly Recall Presets from the Main
While presets can always be recalled from the
Recall Preset
on the
Configuration Selection Menu
, pressing
Recall Preset
keys on the
Main Screen
is an even more direct and quick way to
do it.
This is set up in one of the
Hot Key Configuration Menus.
Configuration Selection
Main Screen
Configure Main
Screen Main Screen
Configuration Menu
Hot Key 1-8
Configuration Menu
Hot Key 9-16
Configuration Menu
Hot Keys