User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 3 T he H ow Do I .. . Chap te r
Frequently Aske d Q ue stions
are different, this means the current source does not have a signal
How Do I Terminate/Unterminate AES Inputs?
AES signals should have one and only one termination. This
termination should physically be at the last destination of an AES coax
cable. If the AMP2-16V is the last connection in a series of AES
connection, then its terminations should be turned on. By default, the
AES inputs of the AMP2-16V are all terminated.
A symptom of too many terminations (or no termination) is that no
signal appears to be present on the AES input.
The termination setup is done in the
AES Input Configuration
Channels not locked to the current sync source will
mute automatically, or may periodically mute and
unmute if the sampling frequencies are closely related
but are drifting in and out of sync. You should choose a
source of sync that is stable, always present, and not
connected to an external switcher. A source of
composite black burst video connected to the genlock
input is the best choice.
In the unlikely event that only analog sources are
connected to the AMP2-16V, the
Clock Source
be set to
Configuration Selection
Main Screen
Audio Processor Card Menu
AES Input Card
Configuration AES Input
Configuration Menu