User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 4 F e at ur es a nd Sc reens
Main S cree n A rr angements
calculated and displayed both numerically and graphically depending
on the settings in the
Loudness Clusters Menu
When the chosen
Select Cluster
hot key is rotated right or left,
individual channels or channel pairs within the cluster are then soloed
or muted. This can be very useful for troubleshooting audio problems
on channels.
Note that
Cluster Select
hot keys will automatically change to
hot keys when a Dolby bitstream is detected in the cluster. This
allows you to easily analyze the Dolby bitstream if needed.
When an optional AES or analog output card is used to connect the
AMP2-16V audio to an external surround sound system, selecting a
cluster automatically routes the appropriate channels to the correct
speakers according to their function as set in the
Monitor Mixer
Configuration Menu
Main Screen Arrangements
To accommodate your specific needs, you can select from six
arrangements, including ones that allow you to quickly toggle
between video and metering or video and data screens. The screen
arrangement is chosen in the
Main Screen Configuration Menu
Refer to the III. Arrange the Main Screens on page 9 for more details.
The six
Main Screen
arrangements are:
1. Video on the left screen and level meters on the right screen
(Figure 4–2 below).