User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 4 F e at ur es a nd Sc reens
Hi gh Qua lity Audio S ys te m
Solo & Mute: Rotating this control allows you to listen to just a
subset of the channels in the displayed channel cluster. It will not
affect any loudness measurement in progress.
Clust Sel: The
Cluster Select
control can be rotated to allow you
to select another channel clustered to be monitored for loudness.
Changing clusters with this control will reset the loudness readings.
Start: When
Manual Mode
is selected in the Loudness
Measurement Menu, from a stopped condition, the
will reset the gathered loudness data and begin a new reading.
From a paused condition, data will not reset as monitoring is
Pause: When
Manual Mode
is selected in the Loudness
Measurement Menu, the
button will temporarily stop or
continue gathering loudness data. Data will not be reset using this
Reset: The
button will reset the gathered loudness data. If it
is pressed while a loudness measurement is in progress, a new
reading will then immediately begin.
Stop: When
Manual Mode
is selected in the Loudness
Measurement Menu, the
button will stop gathering loudness
data. Data will be held for viewing and not be reset using this
High Quality Audio System
The totally digital system architecture along with high-fidelity Class D
amplifiers provides loud, clear, low-noise, wide range audio
monitoring. A standard ¼" headphone jack is also provided.