User guide

821116: AMP2 -1 6 V S e r i e s U se r Guide
© 2 014 Wo h l e r Te c h n o l o g ies , In c. A l l r ights re se rve d.
Chap ter 4 F e at ur es a nd Sc reens
Supe rPair Inp ut
SuperPair Input
Any input pair can be configured as a ninth SuperPair input, allowing
audio-only monitoring of any input pair, in addition to the other
monitored channels. This might be audio from a production intercom,
audio from a computer, or audio from a satellite receiver or cable box.
Refer to the How Do I Set Up a SuperPair to Monitor Intercom or Other
Sources? on page 47 for details.
Standard and Custom Meter Scales
The AMP2-16V Series monitors are capable of displaying 16 high
resolution, 310-segment bar graph level meters with a variety of
selectable scales and phase indicators simultaneously with a loudness
indication. The available options include
Ext VU
, and
A variety of adjustments are available, depending upon the meter scale
you select. The widest variety is available on the
scale. This
scale allows you to adjust the ballistics, the reference level, segment
division points and colors, upper and lower limits, and the amount of
scale compression on the lower part of the scale. Refer to the How Do I
View the Loudness Screen? on page 30 for details.
You can set the signals to be monitored by the level meters and internal
speakers in the Monitor Mixer Configuration Menu,. These signals can
be de-embedded SDI audio, AES audio, decoded Dolby, a mix of any
inputs or outputs, or a combination depending on the optional I/O
modules installed in the unit.
Phase Monitoring
Not only can the phase relationship of any pair be monitored, but the
phase between any arbitrary non-adjacent channels or pairs can also be
monitored. Phase monitoring between adjacent pairs is controlled in
the Monitor Mixer Configuration Menu. Arbitrary phase monitoring
between any non-adjacent channels can also be set up in the Arbitrary
Phase Measurement Menu.