
Storing food in the refrigerator compartment
The fridge freezer compartment helps to extend the storage
times of fresh perishable foods.
Fresh food care for best results:
Store foods that are very fresh and of good quality.
Ensure that food is well wrapped or covered before it is
stored. This will prevent food from dehydrating,
deteriorating in colour or losing taste and will help maintain
freshness. It will also prevent odour transfer. Vegetables and
fruit need not be wrapped if they are stored in the vegetable
container of the fridge compartment.
Make sure that strong smelling foods are wrapped or
covered and stored away from foods such as butter, milk
and cream which can be tainted by strong odours.
Cool hot foods down before placing them in the fridge
Dairy foods and eggs
Most pre-packed dairy foods have a recommended ‘use by
/best before/best by/ date stamped on them. Store them in
the fridge compartment and use within the recommended
Butter can become tainted by strong smelling foods so it is
best stored in a sealed container.
Eggs should be stored in the fridge compartment.
Red meat
Place fresh red meat on a plate and loosely cover with
waxed paper, plastic wrap or foil.