Product Brochure

As a painter, you know the kind of performance you like from an applicator and what
level of results you’re looking for on the job. This manual is designed to provide information
you need to choose the right applicator. You’ll learn about the parts of a brush and roller
cover, various filament and bristle formulations, different fabric types, and methods of
fabric construction.
All About Applicators
This manual also includes tips from painters like you, as well as advice on loading an
applicator and what to look for in a quality miniroller system, roller frame, or extension
pole. With advanced knowledge about paint
applicators and accessories, you can come
closer to achieving the ultimate performance
and results every time.
Table of Contents
Brushes ................. 1–8
Rollers ................. 9–12
Frames .............. 13–14
Minirollers................ 15
Poles........................ 16
Table of Contents