User's Manual

Code 3 of 9 (Code 39)
Enable Code 3 of 9 0
Disable Code 3 of 9 1
Enable Full ASCII Code 39 2
Disable Full ASCII Code 39 3
Enable Code 39 Accumulate Mode 4
Disable Code 39 Accumulate Mode 5
Enable Start/Stop character transmission 6
Disable Start/Stop character transmission 7
Enable Mod 43 Check Digit 8
Disable Mod43 Check Digit 9
Enable Check Digit transmission A
Disable Check Digit transmission B
Caps Lock ON C
Caps Lock OFF D
The Start and Stop character for Code 39 is the * character. Settings 6
and 7 determine whether or not those characters are transmitted to the
computer along with the data. For example, at setting 6, the data of
1234 would be transmitted as *1234*. Transmitting the start and stop
characters can be useful if you need to differentiate between data that
comes from a bar code versus data coming from the keypad.
Enabling use of the Mod 43 check character requires that the last
character of your bar code conform to the Mod 43 check character
specifications. See Appendix E; Code 39 for more information. Enable
transmission (A) will send the check digit data along with the rest of the
bar code data to your computer. To use A, you must also be using 8.
Caps Lock ON causes lower case letters read as data to be transmitted
to the computer as UPPER CASE, and upper case letters to be
transmitted as LOWER CASE. Numbers, punctuation and control
characters are not affected. Caps Lock OFF means that letters will be
transmitted exactly as read. This setting applies to all bar code types.
See Appendix E; Code 39 for more information regarding Accumulate
ar Codes