User's Manual

to keep reading until it gets two results that are identical. This "double scan
checking" takes longer but will minimize misreads since it must get the
same result twice before considering it a "good" read.
4-second laser beam increases the amount of time the laser beam is
activated, giving the laser more time to try and read a code. This option is
useful for trying to read poor quality code. Using the 4-second laser beam
with long range lasers give the operator more time to aim the laser properly
at a distant bar code (usually using the "marker" beam). The default beam
time is 2 seconds.
Aiming Dot Duration
This parameter applies to the built-in internal laser as well as the LZ200 and
LZ400 tethered laser scanners. Before the laser beam spreads, you can create a
brighter aiming dot to be sure you are on the bar code you want to read. The
default is set to 00, no aiming dot. You can key in 01 through 99 which creates
an aiming dot in 1/10
second increments; i.e., 20 would be two seconds.
While in Setup Mode, DO NOT scan the RESET bar code unless you want to
set all of the RF Terminal setup parameters back to the factory default settings.
Scanning RESET will erase all changes you have made.
The following serial parameters Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, and Stop Bits apply only to
firmware updates and a portable printer such as the Cameo and QL3 printers.
Baud Rate
300 0
600 1
1200 2
2400 3
4800 4
9600 5
19,200 6
None 0
Even 1
Odd 2
None is generally used with 8 data bits
Even or Odd parity is generally used with 7 data bits.