User's Manual

then send a message periodically to re-assure the operator (remember to ask
him to press ENTER) that instruction is coming or tell him to see his
supervisor for re-assignment (or whatever makes sense for your
Ideally, if the operator is leaving the area (to go to lunch or move to another
building) before he is out of range of the network, he should SIGN OUT,
then SIGN ON upon his return.
A 6 line display terminal configured as a 6 line display (see Installation and
Setup for LCD DISPLAY MODE) sends ASCII 22 as its SIGN ON
character. A 6 line display terminal configured as a 4 line display will
transmit the ASCII 15 character for SIGN ON.
When a RF Terminal is powered down manually or the user presses the F1
key to exit data entry mode to go to one of the other modes (SETUP or
ONE WAY), the host receives the following SIGN OUT message:
Byte position Function Possible values
1 RF Terminal ID 0-9, A-Z, a-z, - =
Last Termination of message CR (ASCII 13)
Base Station Error Feedback
The following are four different unexpected feedbacks that the Base Station
can send back to your program: (Be sure to look for each of them to be sure
your program doesn’t blow up at an unexpected time.)
Addressing a Terminal not SIGNed ON
If the host attempts to send a message to a terminal that is not SIGNed ON,
the Base Station sends back the following message to the host computer:
Byte position Function Possible values
1 RF Terminal ID 0-9, A-Z, a-z, - =
2+ Terminal NOT Signed In DC1(ASCII 17)
Last Termination of message CR (ASCII 13)
The ASCII 17 character can be changed to ASCII 16 for XON/XOFF
sensitive systems by changing the Base Station Setup. See Chapter 2; RF
System Setup for details.
If the Base Station receives five Addressing a Terminal not SIGNed On
messages in a row, it transmits the following message to the Terminal and
shuts down: (it will recognize a reinitialize command (*@EOT) from the
host though)