User's Manual

Events are function definitions placed in your application’s source code.
The function definitions in your source code are called Event Handlers. The
skeleton structure of the event handler’s source code is automatically
generated. The code in the Event Handler is called ("fired") by the drop-in
component when a specific event occurs. An example of an event is when a
terminal returns data and the
OnTermData event is fired.
The details of how to access Properties/Methods/Events varies between
development platforms. Details of how it works in some of the most popular
platforms is illustrated in the samples included with the RF Utilities CD or
available for download from our website at:
Properties - TCP/IP COM
Properties are the various configuration variables used by the WDIPterm
control. They are directly assignable in your application (eg.
"WDIPterm.ServerOn = true") and can be set in your development
environment’s object browser.
Note that your development environment may show more properties for the
WDIPterm control than are listed here. This is normal. You may ignore pro-
perties you see listed in your development environment that are not listed here.
Valid values: True, False
Function: Set to True to enable the server. Set to false to turn
the server off. You should leave this off unless your
program is actually running. Setting it to True at
design-time can cause problems.
Valid values: True, False
Function: If
Quiet is set to True then any status and error
message generated by WDIPterm will be
Valid values: blank or a valid file name
Function: If the file does not exist it will be created. If it
exists, it will be appended to. If
LogFile is blank,
no log file is maintained.