Safety Manual

Data is 󰘵ored inside the hearing in󰘵rument. This
the audiogram,
the average daily wearing,
the frequency di󰘵ribution of acou󰘵ic environments
(i.e., what percentage of the wearing time you were
in a quiet environment, in a noisy environment, in an
environment with speech, in a car and how often you
li󰘵ened to music),
the di󰘯erent noise levels (including wind noise) within
the la󰘵 24 hours,
the average frequency of changes to user controls,
the average frequency that algorithms in hearing
in󰘵ruments are actively in operation,
an identi󰘰cation number.
Part of the information inside your hearing in󰘵ruments is
additionally 󰘵ored in separate databases in anonymized
form (meaning, it cannot be connected to you) in order
to improve the quality of future hearing devices. This
information may help your acou󰘵ician provide the optimal
󰘰tting for you. However, he/she will not read out this
information without your consent. Also, when you send in
your device for service, this information will not be read
out without your consent.