Safety Manual

If you have reservations about your ability to adapt to
ampli󰘰cation, you should inquire about the availability of
a trial-rental or purchase-option program. Many Hearing
Care Professionals now o󰘯er programs that permit you
to wear hearing in󰘵ruments for a period of time for a
nominal fee after which you may decide if you want to
purchase them.
U.S. federal law re󰘵ricts the sale of hearing in󰘵ruments
to those individuals who have obtained a medical
evaluation from a licensed physician. U.S. federal law
permits a fully informed adult to sign a waiver 󰘵atement
declining the medical evaluation for religious or personal
beliefs that preclude consultation with a physician. The
exercise of such a waiver is not in your be󰘵 health
intere󰘵 and its use is 󰘵rongly discouraged.
Hearing in󰘵ruments will not re󰘵ore normal hearing and
will not prevent or improve a hearing impairment resulting
from organic conditions. In mo󰘵 cases infrequent use of
hearing in󰘵ruments prohibits the wearer from attaining
the full bene󰘰t from it. The use of hearing in󰘵ruments is
only part of hearing rehabilitation and may need to be
supplemented by auditory training and in󰘵ruction in lip