Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
Request Response
OK or error
AppID : sntp_client
Options :
- enable, value: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
- update_interval, value: minimum update
interval in seconds
- time_zone, value : UTC +/- minutes
- server_address, value1:server index
(0-2), value2:server address(IP addresses
or URL)
Table 63: AT+NetAPPSet
Request Response
AT+netappUpdateTime OK or error
Synchronize device time with SNTP server
Table 64: AT+netappUpdateTime
8.6.3. HTTP client
Calypso offers creation of a HTTP client and execution of commonly used methods including
get,post,connect and delete. This enables the user to connect to any HTTP(S) server and
transmit and receive data with ease. In the following all the commands to create and control
a HTTP client are described.
Request Response
AT+HttpCreate +HttpCreate:[index] or error
index - client handle for all further
Table 65: AT+HttpCreate
Calypso reference manual version 1.2 © April 2019 63