User's Manual

N3105 ‘s usermanual
12.5 Tools
12.5.1 Dictionary
Dictionary provided in this cell phone supports the inter-translation across English and Chinesewhich
means that the entered word may be translated from English/Chinese into Chinese/English. Dictionary is
activated by the selection with the key select. Upon the completion of word or text enter, press the key
confirmationand word containing this character string is shown in this bilingual dictionary box. Press the
direction key “up” or “down” to search for the target word, then the key select for its detailed information,
and the key exit to return to word enter boxThe cell phone reminds that “your word not available” when
any content can’t be found to match your word.
12.5.2 Notepad
The recorded event is applicable to any memorandum and simple statement. After the activation of the
key option under recorded event list boxfollowing operations may proceed
Edit itemto edit the recorded event selected
Send SMSto send out the content of recorded event by short message
Deleteto delete the recorded event selected
Delete allto delete all recorded events.
12.5.3 Calculator
Using calculator, four calculations including addition, subtration, multiplication and division may be
performed by user’s entering digits &calculation symbols, which are shown in edit box.
Take the calculation of 123456789x7.2 for example
First stepenter digits”123456789 “and press to change between plus and minus
Second steppress operation symbol “x”
Third stepenter digit “7.2”whereby the dot can be made by the key *
Four steppress operation symbol “=”
The result from calculation is shown in the bottom line.
A new calculation shall be made by pressing the key delete to delete first the content in edit box and
entering new digits &calculation symbol, or you may press the key return to exit calculator box.
The key Pwr is used whereby to cancel the entering of digits or symbols and to exit calculator box and
return to the previous box are required. Or for the same purpose, the key return needs to be pressed to exit
calculator box after the deletion of contents is made under edit box.
In case that the calculation of any digit divided by zero produces a result other than zero, or the result is
above 999999999 or below -999999999the prompt “E” shall occur to indicate an error.
12.5.4 World clock
With an easy operation method, the worldwide clock provides great convenience for travelers all over
the world.
Under the box of worldwide clock, U &L may be used to move westward the time zone indicating line
located in the upper position, and D &R may be used to move the line eastward. During the course of
movement, items located in the lower position, including time zone, name of city, time and date, will change
by your random selection respectively. And the name of famed city within this time zone is shown when