User's Manual

User Manual for NEC N5105
If the memory is still sufficient, you can save at most 100 videos here;
If the memory is not sufficient, you may not able to save videos to that number.
7.4 Sounds
7.4.1 Download
That saved in download is thedownload music . Enter the window of download , Press OK to listen the ring,
and press OK again to stop playing. Active the key of Menu, and the functions in menu are shown as
Select Set as Ring tone : after selecting the required ring, select the option to confirm the selected ring
as the calling ring.
Select Rename: rename the selected music ;
Select Copy to card: copy the music to EMS Memory
Select Move to card: move the music to EMS Memory
Select Delete: delete the selected music;
Select Multi Deletes: enter the window of selecting names, press the direction key of Up and Down
to select the record to delete, press OK to select the recipient, press Select to confirm the selection, and
then realize deleting many options.
Select Deleat all:Deleat all the music;
Select Send MMS: Sent music as MMS’ content;
Select Property : view all contents relating to the selected music such as name, date, size, and format.
7.4.2 Preset
That stored in preset music is the one from the system. Enter the window of preset music, and press the
direction key of Up or Down to select the ring. Press OK to listen the ring, and press Stop to stop playing.
Activate the key of Option, and the functions in menu are show as following.
Select Set as Ring tone: after selecting the required ring, select the option to confirm the selected music
as ring for Call, SMS and MMS..
Select Property: view all contents relating to the selected music such as name, size, and format.
7.4.3 Recordings
Recordings stored here are system-companion ones, press Option and you can:
Select Playplay selected recording
Select Rename Rename a file as a preferred one.
Select Settings Set the selected recording as Call ring tone, SMS ring, or MMS ring.
Select Copy to memory card
Copy selected file to memory card
Move to Memory card
Move selected file to memory cardthe moved file will no longer in
itsoriginal position);
Select Send MMS
Send selected file in MMS formRecording more than 100k can not be
Select Delete
Delete selected recording
Select Multi-delete
Fill in the check box and choose what you want to delete.
Select Delete all
Delete all recordings
Select PropertiesView file information, including name, format, size, date and copy right.