Installation Manual

Installation Manual
Page 34 of 41 Publication No. 150-049106
P-2000 Installation Manual Rev. A
Oct 2003
8 - Mic 1 Input H
This pin is the high side of a differential microphone 1 input and provides a 150 ohm input
impedance for the crew microphone input. Normally this pin is connected to the audio
panel. Carbon microphone DC bias is provided by the unit. Standard input of 1kHz tone
@ .25VRMS should produce standard FM modulation out (3.0 kHz). Use shielded wire.
9 - Mic 1 Input L
This pin is the low side of a differential microphone 1 input. Normally this pin is
connected to the audio panel. Use shielded wire.
10 - Shield Ground
All shields of signals originating at the P-2000 or RT-2000 and terminating at other
equipment should be connected to this pin and left un-terminated at the other equipment.
11 - External ON Control
This pin is only used in a system that contains a C-2000. When this pin is grounded the
unit will turn on.
12 - Panel Lite Return
The pin provides the ground path for the lite buss input.
13 - Headset 2 Out H
This analog output provides the High side of the receive and sidetone audio output from
FM-2 transceiver (Mode 2). Standard audio levels of 100 mW into 600 ohm load is
provided for standard modulation (1.0 kHz tone, 3 kHz FM Mod). This output is normally
sent an audio panel. This output must use shielded wire.
14 - Headset 2 Out L
This analog output provides the low side of the receive and sidetone audio output from a
transceiver. Normally this output is either grounded or sent to an audio panel. This
output must use shielded wire.
15 - Reserved Spare #1
This reserved for future use.
16 - 28 VDC Panel Lite
This pin provides for 28 VDC aircraft lite dimmer buss control of the keyboard lighting (the
LCD brightness is set by the user via keypad input). This pin does not draw power from
the buss but simply monitors the voltage for proper lite tracking. Either 28 V or 5 volt (pin
17) may be used but not at the same time. This function is not used on the RT-2000 so
no connection is required.