Installation Manual

Installation Manual
Page 40 of 41 Publication No. 150-049106
P-2000 Installation Manual Rev. A
Oct 2003
4. Measure the output power, output frequency, and FM modulation (kHz deviation)
with the Service Monitor. Verify that the output frequency and power are within
specification. Adjust or repair as necessary.
5. Repeat for FM2 transceiver.
Receiver Verification
1. Select a channel with known Receive and Transmit frequencies on FM1.
2. Set the Service Monitor to transmit at the frequency programmed on the test unit
with a 1 kHz tone with 3 kHz deviation for FM mode. If necessary, refer to the user’s
manual supplied with the Service Monitor.
3. Connect the output of the radio to the RF input port with a cable less than three feet
in length. Set the output power of the Service Monitor to the specified sensitivity
level of the radio under test.
4. With the proper cables, route the headset audio back into the Service Monitor.
Push the FM1 Volume button to open the squelch and measure SINAD. SINAD
should be better than 12 dB for FM.
5. Increase the RF signal by 10 dB and verify that the squelch gate opens.
6. Repeat for FM2 if available.
Final System Check-out
1. Reconnect the coax cable connecting the radio to the antenna.
2. Place an AT-150 or similar broad band antenna 10 feet from the aircraft antenna.
The antenna should be at the same elevation and have the same polarity as the
antenna on the aircraft.
3. Connect the antenna to the Service Monitor set to receiver at the desired frequency
of test.
4. Transmit over FM1 on the test frequency and measure the received signal power.
5. The insertion loss should be between –30 and –40 dB @ 150 MHz. Substitution of
the receiving antenna or changes in antenna placement can significantly effect
measurement results.
6. Record the actual values measured and the measurement setup. Use this
information to track any degradation in the antenna system on future system
7. Repeat for FM2.