Operator's Manual

Operator’s Manual
Page 26 of 39 Publication No. 150-049105
P-2000 Operators Manual Rev. A
Oct 2003
Encryption Features
Turning Encryption On and Off
Select FM1 or FM2 depending on which transceiver you what to encrypt. Press the PVT button to toggle encryption
on and off. If the P-2000 preset channel being used has been set up for encryption, the privacy indicator will light.
Encryption can only be turned on for channels that have been pre-programmed with an encryption
key. Three error beeps will sound if the channel has not been setup for encryption.
Selecting an Encryption Key
The preset encryption key (sometimes called KEYMAT) for a channel can be temporarily changed as follows.
Ensure you are on the HOME PAGE, and the radio you wish to select is active and encryption capable channel
is also selected.
Press the KEY button. The following illustrates the display when the KEY button was pressed with radio 1
active. If the KEY button is pressed on a channel that has not been preset to use encryption, three warning
beeps will sound.
PVT Indicator