User's Manual

Chapter 2 Device Info 19
2.3 LAN Statistics
Click Device Info > Statistics > LAN to open this screen of traffic statistics counters for the Router’s
wired and wireless LAN interfaces. Use the button to clear the counters.
Figure 7
LAN Statistics
IPv4 Address This displays the interface’s current IPv4 address if it has one.
IPv6 Address This displays the interface’s current IPv6 address if it has one.
Table 4 WAN Info (continued)
Table 5 LAN Statistics
Interface These fields identify the LAN interfaces. eth
0 ~ eth3 represent the ethernet LAN ports 1
~ 4. wlo represents the wireless LAN interface.
Received /
These fields display the number of bytes, packets, error packets, and dropped packets
for each interface.
Bytes This indicates the number of bytes received on this interface.
Pkts This indicates the number of packets received on this interface.
Errs This indicates the number of frames with
errors received on this interface.
Drops This indicates the number of received packets dropped on this interface.
Bytes This indicates the number of bytes transmitted on this interface.