Instruction manual

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Double click on the device name/default factory serial
number (or right click and OPEN) and you will be directed
to a web login page in your internet browser.
Enter the default password of ten zeros ‘0000000000’
and click
to take you to the NET CTL matrix controller screen.
The layout of the NET CTL controller screen includes
an upper section to allocate input sources to output with
the selection displayed on the left hand side.
Operation is the same as COM CTL – Inputs buttons 1-4
can be clicked to be selected per Output port.
Press the
button to update your chosen matrix settings into the left
hand display and your selection to take effect.
The lower section of the NETCTL controller screen is
dedicated to IR Matrix settings.
As with the IR Matrix screen in COMCTL, the NTCTL IR
Matrix allows specific SOURCE IR ports to be manually
set to individual DISPLAY ports to configure specific IR
configurations through the matrix.
Press the
for IR Matrix changes to be set.
This function is available only when the matrix is
connected to receivers via UTP and all units fully powered.
TELNET Control
Control of matrix switching and system settings are also
possible using Telnet control protocols. Follow system
commands below.
Assign IP
If ‘Assign IP’ is displayed in the dialog box, the matrix has
encountered a
problem detecting
an IP address and
manual input of
information is
required. In such
instances, double
click ‘Assign IP’ or
right click and
choose Assign IP
from the dropdown
menu to add details
as required.