
6 Chapter 2
precedence of one variable over another, refer to the parameter notations in
Table 3, "Parameters for wnos.ini files and {username}.ini files,").
If both PNAgent/PNLite and a user profile are being used in the environment,
the username must be defined in the Windows domain to be used, and the
password used must be the same for both the Windows domain and the user
Rules and Recommendations for Constructing WTOS INI Files
In general, WTOS INI files follow currently accepted “standard” INI file formatting
conventions. WTOS INI files consist of Wyse parameters. These parameters can be
entered as necessary for reference, but are not mandatory unless changes from defaults
are required or the parameter is noted as required in the tables. Every parameter has a
name and a value with the name appearing to the left of the equals sign (name=value). All
parameters with the same name in the various WTOS INI files have the same meaning
(that is, a parameter named WyseXYZ in a wnos.ini file and named WyseXYZ in a
{username}.ini file will have the same meaning). Number signs (#) indicate the start of a
comment. Comments can begin anywhere on a line. Everything between the # and the
End of Line is ignored.
Along with these general formatting conventions, use the following guidelines when
constructing WTOS INI files:
1. Order of Parameters
Global connect parameters should be listed before other connect parameters in a
wnos.ini file. For example, the global connect parameters in a typical wnos.ini file are
listed as follows:
deskcolor=”0 51 153”
TimeServer=cuckoo.nevada.edu \
timeformat=”12-hour format” \
connect=ica \
Description=”Citrix45” \
host= \
Icon=default \
username=administrator \
password=Administrator \
domainname=cITRIX45 \
These global settings are not listed correctly:
connect=ica \
Description=”Citrix45” \
host= \
Icon=default \
username=administrator \
password=Administrator \
domainname=cITRIX45 \
deskcolor=”0 51 153”
TimeServer=cuckoo.nevada.edu \
timeformat=”12-hour format” \