
Understanding WTOS INI Files 7
2. Mandatory Parameters
As stated earlier, parameters can be entered as necessary for reference, but are not
mandatory unless changes from defaults are required or the parameter is noted as
required in the tables. For example, the Connect= parameter is mandatory.
3. Use of Backslashes and White Spaces
Placing a backslash (\) at the end of a line indicates line continuation; that is, the
backslash means that the line and the following line are, for the purposes of reading
code, the same line. No white space can appear after the backslash; however, white
space between parameter entries must be maintained. Therefore, the line after a
backslash must either start with a space (not a tab) or concatenate with the first set of
characters from the previous line. To avoid confusion, starting each line with at least
one white space character is recommended. Starting all parameters at the left margin
and placing at least one leading space at the beginning of all continuation lines makes
an INI file easier to read.
For example, there are various ways to present a parameter such as SignOn within
other parameters.
You can put all SignOn parameter details on one line:
signon=no DisableGuest=yes DisablePassword=yes
deskcolor=”0 75 255”
You can use backslashes for line continuation with indentation for ease of reading:
signon=no \
DisableGuest=yes \
deskcolor=”0 75 255”
4. Use of Blank Lines
Using blank lines is recommended for making code easier to read. The following
example is the suggested format for using blank lines:
deskcolor=”0 51 153”
TimeServer=cuckoo.nevada.edu \
timeformat=”12-hour format” \
connect=ica \
Description=”Citrix45” \
host= \
Icon=default \
username=administrator \
password=Administrator \
domainname=cITRIX45 \