
8 Chapter 2
5. Use of Number Signs
As stated earlier, number signs (#) indicate the start of a comment. Comments can
begin anywhere on a line. Everything between the # and the End of Line is ignored.
In the following example, #ICA connect parameter for connection 1 is commented and
will not be read. Reading starts at the next line (in this example, at the connect=ica
#ICA connect parameter for connection 1
connect=ica \
Description="Citrix45" \
host= \
Icon=default \
username=administrator \
password=Administrator \
domainname=cITRIX45 \
6. Use of Quotation Marks
String parameters containing white spaces must be placed inside quotation marks (use
common-practice nesting rules). For example, the TimeFormat parameter contains a
space and requires quotation marks:
TimeServer=cuckoo.nevada.edu timeformat="12-hour format"
7. Use of List Separators
Use semicolons or commas for list separators. For example, a list of ICA browsers:
8. Use of Equivalent Parameter Values
For parameter values of type {0, 1}, the 0 indicates false or no, and the 1 indicates true
or yes, as applicable. The format {0, 1} is equivalent to, and can be used instead of, the
format {no, yes} for the parameters using these formats in the tables. For example, you
can use either signon=0 or signon=no.
9. Use of the Home Directory
The home directory is the WNOS subdirectory for the log-in (for example,
C:\Inetpub\ftprootWyse\WNOS). Figure 1 shows the directory structure of the wnos
home directory.
Figure 1 Directory structure of the WNOS Home Directory
You can specify the username and password for file server access on the Servers tab
of the Network Setup dialog box, as shown in Figure 2. If a file server directive is
processed, the same username and password already configured on the thin client is
usable for accessing files on the new file server.