
3 WNOS INI Only Parameters
This chapter provides the supported parameters that you can use in a wnos.ini file.
Parameters for wnos.ini Files Only
Table 2 contains the supported parameters you can use in wnos.ini files. Parameters with
bold values (defaults) are required parameters for a wnos.ini file (those parameters
without bold values are optional).
Parameters in Table 2 can only be used in a wnos.ini file; they cannot be
used in a {username}.ini file.
Table 2 Parameters for wnos.ini files only
Parameter Description
AddCertificate=filename Specifies a certificate file residing in the subfolder cacerts under the wnos
folder to load on the nand flash device (on platforms with nand flash), or on
the memory. The length of the filename, including the trailing period and the
file extension, is limited to 64 characters.
This is required when configuring the Citrix Secure Gateway PNAgent
Interface (PNAgent/Lite servers) in the Network Setup dialog box. Adding
certificates are required if the user CSG environments use certificate agents
that are not covered by the built-in certificates. The certificates are used to
validate server identities by the thin client.
Supported files include .crt file on ICA CSG; .cer and .pfx in 802.1x.
AutoLoad=[0, 1, 2, 101, 102, 201, 202] Specifies the firmware update mode.
0 — Disable checking for image
1 — Enable firmware upgrade/downgrade
2 — Enable upgrade only
101 — Enable firmware upgrade/downgrade process, but have a popup
message with OK and Cancel command buttons appearing before the
process; popup is a completion message box
102 — Enable upgrade only, but have a popup message box with OK/
Cancel button appear before the process; popup is a completion message
201 — Enable firmware upgrade/downgrade process, but have a popup
message with OK and Cancel command buttons appearing before the
process; popup is a completion message box
202 — Enable upgrade only, but have a popup message with OK and
Cancel command buttons appearing before the process; popup is a
completion message box