
18 Chapter 3
SignOn={yes,no, NTLM}
minimize, hide}]
[EnableOK={no, yes}]
[DisableGuest={no, yes}]
[DisablePassword={no, yes}]
[LastUserName={no, yes}]
[RequireSmartCard={no, yes}]
[SCRemovalBehavior= {0, 1}]
SignOn — Yes/no/NTLM option to enable the sign-on process. If set to
NTLM, a user can be authenticated with an NTLM protocol. The user must
be a domain user and the same sign-on user credentials must be available
in the ftp://~/wnos/ini/ directory. The NTLM protocol also requires a WINS
MaxConnect — Maximum number of connections allowed to be specified in
the wnos.ini file and {username}.ini file totalled together. The range allowed
for MaxConnect is 100 to 1000. The default maximum is 216 entries.
ConnectionManager — State of the Connect Manager during sign-on.
[Introduced in build 5.0.006]
EnableOK — Yes/no option to show the OK and Cancel command buttons
in the Sign-on dialog box. [Introduced in build 5.0.010]
DisableGuest — Yes/no option to disable the guest sign-on. [Introduced in
build 5.0.010]
DisablePassword — Yes/no option to disable the password text box and
password check box in the Sign-on dialog box. [Introduced in build 5.0.010]
LastUserName — Yes/no option to display the last sign-on username after
the user logs off. [Introduced in build 5.0.010]
RequireSmartCard — Yes/no option to force logon with smartcard.
[Introduced in build 6.4.0]
SCRemovalBehavior — Specifies what happens after a smart card is
removed. [Introduced in build 6.4.0]
0 — System will log off
1 — System will be locked and can be unlocked only when the same
certificate is used with the smart card
Speedbrowser={on, off} On/off option to enable the ICA Speedscreen Browser Acceleration
SwitchApplication={yes, no} Yes/no option to allow switching between open applications using the
Alt+Tab key combination. [Introduced in build 6.3.0_25]
SysName={client, DNS} Specifies system name. If set to DNS, a reverse DNS name from the DNS
server is checked into the WDM server (by default, the terminal name is
checked in).
TcpTimeOut={1 to 255} Specifies the timeout value of a TCP connection. The value must be
between 1 and 255 (which means the connection timeout value is from 1x30
seconds to 255x30 seconds).
Table 2 Parameters for wnos.ini files only , Continued
Parameter Description