
22 Chapter 4
Table 3 Parameters for wnos.ini files and {username}.ini files
* Global overrides identically-named user profile
** After sign off, user profile returns to global value
AdminMode={no, yes}
AdminMode — Yes/no option to use the username and the password to
obtain a high privilege thin client configuration when the Privilege parameter
level is set to high (Privilege=high).
admin-username — Specifies if admin-username=encrypted_username,
then encrypted strings are used for admin-username.
admin-password — Specifies if admin-password=encrypted_password,
then encrypted strings are used for admin-password.
NOTE: The AdminMode items are on the right-click menu.
**AltCacheDisable={no, yes} Yes/no option to disable the new cache mechanism allowing more memory
to be available to a user (developed with Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 and
Windows 2003 Server). If set to no, the new cache mechanism is enabled.
**Alternate={no, yes} Yes/no option to use an alternate IP address returned from an ICA master
browser to get through firewalls. This setting in a wnos.ini file will be saved
into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.
**AutoSignoff={no, yes}
[Shutdown={no, yes}]
[Reboot={no, yes}]
AutoSignoff — Yes/no option to automatically sign-off a user when the last
opened session is closed.
Shutdown — Yes/no option to shut down the thin client. If shutdown is set to
yes, the ShutdownCounter value is used to control the count-down before
the system is shut off.
Reboot — Yes/no option to reboot the thin client. If Reboot is set to yes, the
ShutdownCounter value is used to control the count down before the
system is rebooted.
ClearLicense={no, yes} Yes/no option to clear the TSCAL license stored in the non-volatile memory.
It can be replaced by FixLicense=clean.
Connect={ICA, RDP} Connection protocol. Follow the selections from the ICA/RDP parameter list
(refer to Table 4). Parameters marked with an asterisk * are required. All
connect parameters for each connection must be on the same logical line (\
can be used for line continuation - See "Rules and Recommendations for
Constructing WTOS INI Files").
ConnectionBroker={default, VDM} Specifies the Connection Broker type. Choose VDM to enable VDM 2.1
XML support. If you enter VDM, the vmware logo appears on the log-in
**DefaultPrinter={LPD1, LPD2, LPD3,
Specifies the default printer. Be sure the printer set as default is enabled or
the setting will be invalid.
**DeskColor=”rrr ggg bbb”
where DeskColor =”16 100 36” (green)
is the default
Specifies the desktop background color in RGB string format (must be
enclosed in quotes), where rrr, ggg, and bbb are decimal numbers in the
rage of 0 to 255.