
WNOS INI and {username} INI Parameters 25
**DisableMouse={no, yes}
MouseDisable={no, yes}
DisableMouse — Yes/no option to disabled mouse pointer so that it is
shown on the screen. The pointer is enabled if any mouse activity occurs.
MouseDisable — Yes/no option to disabled mouse pointer so that it is
shown on the screen. The pointer is enabled if any mouse activity occurs.
**EnableLocal={no, yes} Yes/no option to enable locally configured entries to show in the Connect
Manager list. When connections defined in local NV-RAM are displayed in
the Connect Manager, they are marked with an asterisk. If EnableLocal=yes
is in a wnos.ini file, then the global information will be saved into NVRAM.
The global information includes: SEAMLESS, ALTERNATE, Reconnect,
IcaBrowsing, LowBand, NoReducer, Time settings, and Printer settings in a
wnos.ini file.
*EthernetSpeed={Auto, 10M HD, 10M
FD, 100M HD, or 100M FD}
EthernetSpeed — Specifies the EthernetSpeed to either Auto, 10M HD,
10M FD, 100M HD, or 100M FD. Once specified, it is saved in the
non-volatile memory. This parameter can be replaced by the Device and
Speed parameters.
CAUTION: If the EthernetSpeed parameter value is changed, the thin client
will require a reboot.
FactoryDefault={no, yes} Yes/no option to reset the system settings to factory default (the option is
only initialized once for each firmware change; however, you can set to no
and then reboot so the option will be initialized again).
CAUTION: If the FactoryDefault parameter value is changed to yes, the thin
client will reboot without notice to the user.
FastDisconnet={no, yes} Yes/no option to use F12 key press to disconnect an ICA session.
FastDisconnectKey={F1, F2, F3, F4, F5,
F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12}
Specifies the disconnect key that will disconnect an ICA session.
FixLicence={Factory, clean, yes, no} Specifies the option to replace the TSCAL license stored in the non-volatile
HideIP={no, yes} Yes/no option to hide the information of the connection host or IP.
Some examples include:
- When moving a mouse cursor over the connection icons on the desktop, a
balloon help pop-up displays ‘…’ instead of the host name.
- When a Reconnect to a connection message or an ICA error message
window displays, the connection description displays instead of host name.
- When moving a mouse cursor over the PN icon, the connected PN servers
do not display.
**icaBrowsing={udp, http} Establishes the default browsing protocol. This setting can be overridden by
the parameter HttpBrowsing in each connection property. The method of
browsing selected must match the method provided by the server(s) being
accessed. This setting in a wmos.ini file will be saved into NVRAM if
EnableLocal=yes is set in the wnos.ini file.
**Inactive={0, 10 to 480} (minutes) Specifies the inactive time before timeout. No Idle timeout=0. Inactive range
can be set from 10 minutes to 480 minutes.
*Include=path/filename For {username}.ini file only. Specifies to include another INI file at the
position of this parameter. Only one level of including is allowed (no nesting)
and only for a {username}.ini file.
Table 3 Parameters for wnos.ini files and {username}.ini files , Continued
Global overrides identically-named user profile
** After sign off, user profile returns to global value