User's Manual

Operation Menu
1. Power on
There are three working modes after power on.
Maintenance: The device is connected using the USB interface to a PC with specific
software named NandPDT to perform firmware update, reset to factory
operation to adjust/debug its behavior. This mode is activated by pushing the
“Mode” button for 10 seconds with the USB plugged in to a computer. Please
refer to section 5. Firmware upgrade.
Install: The device is not playing any content but just display its configuration
settings on the screen. The device automatically tries to connect to a default
open WIFI network named SBMAMA (Ad-Hoc or Managed) and runs a HTTP
control panel for configuration over the WLAN. The operator gets to this service
by reading the IP address displayed on the device screen and typing the
following URL into its browser http://the.device.ip.address. This mode is
activated by pushing the Mode button for 5 seconds.
The device will try to be managed mode to connect to the WiFi AP named
SBMAMA, the name/SSID of WiFi AP can be configured by field of SSID on
HTTP control panel. If it failed to establish a link with the AP within 30 seconds,
then it will switch to ad-hoc mode with SSID SBMAMA. Pressing the Mode
button for 1 second will turn the device back to managed mode again.
Operation: The device is configured and plays the content from the server. It uses
the network settings from the configuration to connect to the hotel network. It
also runs the HTTP control panel to offer configuration over the LAN using the
same URL. The operator gets to this service by reading the IP address that is
displayed temporarily for 5 seconds on the device screen when the “Mode”
button is pressed, the display seconds can be configured by field of
Stand_seconds_at_Install_Mod on HTTP control panel.