User's Manual

joining this router. This mode will automatically expire after 45 minutes or so.
This way you can control the initial configuration of a network, forcing nearby
sensors to join the closer router. Note that in normal operation, sensors may
“jump” from one router to another – that is the nature of Mesh networking.
In normal operation the user need not interact with the Power Module, as it is normally
controlled remotely via Zigbee.
If the unit is unplugged or the power goes out, the unit will emit a short beep every few
seconds and the status LED will flash red.
The unit contains a rechargeable battery which needs no maintenance. It will charge
automatically when the unit is plugged in. The status LED will flash green when it is
charging, and will glow green steadily when it is fully charged. When the battery is fully
charged the Zigbee Router will operate for over 2 hours during a power failure. The
battery takes approximately 8 hours to fully charge from a completely discharged state.
This device is intended for indoor use only. Do not enclose or cover this device. Use in
a well-ventilated, open area. Do not use this device at temperatures higher than 104º F
(40º C). Do not use in wet or damp conditions. Do not use this product with any
electrical device that exceeds the maximum rating as stated in the Technical Specs
section of this manual.
Technical Specs
Voltage 90-125 volts, 60Hz
Switching power 1150 watts resistive 15 amps, 750 watts incandescent
Motor switching ½ HP
Communication IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee, 2.4GHz ISM band, +10dBi max output
Typical range indoor 100 feet (30m)
Zigbee profile HA (Home Automation) SLC (switched load control)
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