User's Manual

EG102 User’s Guide
Global Setting:
Select to Enable this line or not
Enter UID (User Name) for Line 1 or Line 2
Enter the Password
Enter the Display Name which will be shown in the called party when you call out.
Enter the Login ID if your login username is not the UID.
Enter the Primary Proxy Server IP address or domain name and also port
Enter the Second Proxy Server IP address or domain name and also port
number is applicable
Enter the Registrar Server IP address or domain name and also port number if
Enter the Outbound Proxy Server IP address or domain name and also port
number if applicable.
Enter the Register Expiry Number of seconds which the device will try to register
in SIP server during the time period.
Select the NAT Keep-alive Method from the list
Enter the SIP Proxy Require if necessary
Select the User Prefered Audio Codec from the list
Enter the RTP Base number
Check to enable Use STUN for NAT Mapping to pass through NAT
Check to enable VIA rport
Check to enable DNS SVR
Click Save to save the configuration
RTP/ C o de c Se tup
This page allows you to setup the parameters of Real Time Protocol (RTP) and voice
codec to control the quality of voice connection.