User's Manual

EG102 User’s Guide
C a ll Ba c k Busy Sub sc ribe r (Busy)
Call Back Busy Subscriber (CCBS) enables a calling customer (A), encountering a
busy destination (B), to have the retry dialing automatically until destination becomes
idle, without having to make a new call attempt.
Activation: press 5 when encountering a busy tone
Deactivation: # 37 # deactivates all CCBS
The device will reattempt the last made call every 60 seconds if CCBS is avtivated.
The B Party alerts the original calling customer (A) with a ringing signal when the busy
destination (B) becomes idle, if within 30 minutes. When the original calling customer
answers the request, the former busy called party will start ringing.
Timeout for call back ringing signal to A and B-side is 60 seconds. After the timeout
both sides must be disconnected from the call.
B has the possibility to make a new call before A answers the call back.
C a ll Ba c k la st num b e r c a lle d (C a ll Re turn)
The customer has the possibility to press *69# to call back the last number that called.
It is not possible to call secret numbers. This call will be screened through the dial
plans to screen any call blocking functionality enabled.