User's Manual

12. When the “Open” or “Next” button have been pressed, the screen shifts to “Please insert/remove
cartridge” and “Close”. Make sure that the cartridge is correctly positioned into the drawer (Fig. 3.5)
as it may otherwise cause damage to the instrument. Once the cartridge is correctly inserted, press
“Close” to retract the drawer into the instrument.
Fig. 3.5. The Xdrop™ instrument with a correctly inserted dPCR cartridge. Be very careful to place the
cartridge correctly as the instrument may otherwise damage the cartridge.
13. Once the drawer is fully closed, press “Next” on the touch screen.
14. The Xdrop™ instrument can operate with either dPCR or dMDA cartridges. Use the dPCR cartridge
option by selecting “dPCR” on the touch screen (Fig. 3.6.).