User's Manual

Collect generated droplets
23. After droplet production, confirm that dPCR droplets have been produced. dPCR droplets will sink to
the bottom of the collection well and form a white layer with a clear buffer phase on top.
24. Collect droplets from the collection well (#D) into a 0,5 ml or 1,5 ml tube. Use tips that minimize
binding of droplets to the side of the tip.
25. 200 μl dPCR-buffer (surplus in the dPCR-buffer well #A) can be used to “wash” residual droplets from
the shelf inside the collection well #D.
The droplets and buffer collected after droplet production should have a total volume of around 300-400 μl.
Fig. 3.9. Collection of dPCR droplets from the collection well (#D) into a 0,5 ml tube.
26. Mix gently and dispense the droplets from the 1,5 ml tube into four PCR-tube aliquots (of
80-90 μl).
Note: dPCR droplets sediment rapidly during handling. To ensure equal distribution into the aliquots, be sure
to mix gently by pipetting up and down between each pipetting step.
27. If any lanes are unused, the cartridge can be stored up to 1 week at room temperature. Discard the
single-use gasket and remove excess liquid in wells #A and #B before storage of the cartridge.
28. Seal the cartridge with Storage film (Cat. No. FI00100) covering all wells and store protected from
light and dust at room temperature in the provided bag.
Notice that the dPCR cartridge has a shelf-life of 1 week after the packaging has been opened, provided that
this period does not exceed the expiry date indicated on the product.
Note: Each production lane and gasket are single-use and will not function properly if an attempt to re-use is
carried out. Furthermore, attempting to reuse the gasket and cartridge lanes will increase the risk of cross-
contamination of samples.
dPCR buffer foam
dPCR droplets