User's Manual

Set up dMDA reaction
Note: Do not use any other reagents than Samplix dMDA kit (Cat. No. RE20300) for Xdrop™ dMDA droplet
production as this may compromise droplet production, droplet stability, and downstream enrichment. Thaw
and keep all reagents at 4°C or in a cooling block while setting up the reactions, except the oil that should be
kept at RT.
The MDA reaction is very susceptible to contamination. Make sure to avoid DNA contaminations of any kind.
Prepare the amplification mix following the table below in a LAF hood or similar clean, dust free environment.
1. Prepare the amplification mix (see table below). Mix gently, do not vortex.
2. Aliquot mix in cooling block. Important! Keep cold at 4°C until use.
3. Add 10 μl template (DNA from sorted dPCR droplets after break or genomic DNA 0,1 pg/µL).
4. We recommend including the following control reactions:
10 μl molecular grade H
O (negative control)
10 μl sheath fluid from flow cytometer (contamination control)
10 µl genomic DNA (0,1 pg/µL, positive control, provided by the user)
5. Mix gently and keep cold at 4°C until loading on the dMDA cartridge.
Note: When taking aliquots of your samples, always pipette from the center of the coloured phase of as an
additional precaution to avoid carrying over remaining break solution.
Amplification mix
H2O (molecular grade)
5 μl
dMDA mix (5x)
4 μl
dMDA enzyme
1 μl
Total mix
10 µl
Template DNA solution
10 μl