User's Manual

15. Inspect the volume of collected droplets before removing the oil (step 16). You can expect
approximately 2-3 mm layer of droplets on top of the oil phase.
16. Remove the excess dMDA oil from the bottom of the collection PCR tube. Only 1-2 mm of dMDA oil
should be left in the bottom of the tube (see Fig. 5.12).
Fig. 5.12. Collection of dMDA droplets from the collection well. Left: Drawing of collection well. Notice
that the sides are slightly slanting towards the inlet hole of the well. Collect the dMDA droplets by
pipetting gently. Right: dMDA droplets in PCR tube after collection. dMDA droplets will form a white
layer on the top with the excess oil at the bottom.
17. Incubate dMDA droplets in a thermal cycler at 30°C for 16 hours followed by 10 minutes at 65°C.
Run the following program on a thermal cycler:
16 hours
10 min
18. If some lanes are still unused when all samples have been run, place the Samplix Storage film (Cat.
No. FI00100)
over the cartridge while still in the holder (Fig. 5.13) and store the dMDA cartridge and
holder in a Ziplock bag up to
1 week at room temperature. The Storage film should be placed so that
all wells (used and unused) are sealed. Note that the dMDA cartridge has a shelf-life of
1 week after
the packaging has been opened, provided that this period does not exceed the expiry date indicated
on the product.
dMDA droplets
(2-3 mm)
(1-2 mm)