User's Manual

Example: Calculate Enrichment based on Targets per genome
If you select the tool “Calculate Enrichment based on Targets per genome, the following information is
Genome size: Size of (host) genome in base pairs.
PCR efficiency: Efficiency of PCR reaction in %. You can use the efficiency calculated when validating
primers designed (if same qPCR reagents have been used). Calculate the PCR efficiency using the Ct
values as input with the formula: (10^(-1/slope)-1) *100. If a % PCR efficiency has not been calculated,
use 100% as input.
Targets per genome: Copy number of the target in host genome disregarding off-targets.
Fig. 6.4. Example of calculation using the online enrichment calculator tool. See explanation in the text.
Control sample
Ct value: Ct value from qPCR of 1x reference DNA (original sample input DNA).
DNA concentration: Concentration of reference DNA in control/un-enriched stock solution.
Enriched sample
Ct value: Ct value from qPCR using the product from dMDA reaction as input.
DNA concentration: Concentration of DNA in the enriched sample (i.e. the concentration of DNA
after the dMDA reaction) measured Qubit™, Bioanalyzer™, TapeStation™, FEMTO Pulse™ or similar.
Dilution factor: Factor of dilution of dMDA reaction in qPCR (1:10 fold dilution recommended).