User's Manual

Option “2” is used only with the Ethernet option and should be left as “Raw” for normal radio operation.
The diagnostic serial Baud rate is shown for reference but is not adjustable.
Option “3” is selected to modify the output clock that is synchronous to the data serial port. The output
clock may be used to synchronize the user hardware to the radio clock for ease of serial port interface
but is not required.
The baud rate for the data port can be changed by selecting “0” and the various speeds will be
Care must be taken when changing the baud rates since the computer must match the expected rate of
the radio.
When configuring the data serial framing, the following are examples of valid inputs:
The first character, representing data bits can be set from 5 8. The second character represents parity
and can be set to N, O, or E for none, odd, or even. The last character represents stop bits and can be
set to 1, 1.5, or 2.
Data Serial Bit Rate
This parameter specifies the serial bit rate in bits/second for
the data port.
Current selection: 115200 bps
0 : 1200 bps b : 1049479 bps
1 : 2400 bps c : 1259375 bps
2 : 4800 bps d : 1574219 bps
3 : 9600 bps e : 2098958 bps
4 : 19200 bps f : 3148438 bps
5 : 38400 bps g : Enter a bit rate
6 : 57600 bps
7 : 115200 bps
8 : 230400 bps
9 : 460800 bps
a : 921600 bps
Esc: Return to previous menu
Enter selection: